We are producer of natural, non-GMO soy-based ingredients for the global food industry.

Our company produces sustainable soy-based GMO-free ingredients for the global food industry. In production, we apply quality criteria that meet the highest standards and only use European soybeans. We pride ourselves on creating ingredients whose high-grade constituents and added value remain unchanged. What began as a mill has grown to become an international group of companies. Our business-oriented thinking is characterised by innovative drive – and that’s what motivates us. This enables us to meet future challenges and proactively exploit them. Alongside product quality, outstanding customer service and excellent relations with customers, suppliers and employees are of paramount importance to us.
“Reliability, quality and trust are the hallmarks of our daily work for our customers.”
Innovation that grows from tradition
Products for human consumption have been manufactured at our company site in Prinzersdorf for over 250 years. In the 1980s, cultivation of soy was revived in Austria after a break of 70 years.
This development was seen as an opportunity to create GMO-free soy products of outstanding quality for customers in the food processing industry. The ideas were put into practice when the first factory for full-fat soy products was built in 1989. The decisive steps towards export and internationalisation were taken with the foundation of Soja Austria in 1995. In 2017, second factory was built for the production of defatted soy flour and soy texturates. Over time, the flour mill and feed plant was transformed into a group of companies specialising solely in GMO-free soy products – today’s Soy Austria® Group. Reliability and quality awareness have always been core values of ours, and are part and parcel of our corporate culture. Our employees and partners appreciate this.
Constant monitoring of the market and understanding our customers’ needs is a vital aspect of our daily activities. With our network of laboratories and university institutions we develop innovative ideas, turning them into the SOY AUSTRIA® NATURAL SOYLUTIONS.
Soy Austria® is a trusted partner and supplier of the food industry in Austria and the global markets, always with the aim of reliably providing customers with the most suitable and best products.
Historical Developments
The mill was founded
The Bamberger family business began
The full-fat soy production facility was inaugurated
Generation change, as Josef Bamberger and Georg Bamberger took over
SOJA AUSTRIA was founded as the commercial entity and introduced as an international brand.
The end of grain processing to focus on 100% soy-based ingredients
Focusing on FOOD ingredients production. Discontinuation of FEED production
Inauguration of second plant producing TSP and semi-defatted soy; focus on producing a NATURAL alternative to existing solvent-extracted products
Decision to make Soja Austria a global company with focus all over the world
Until the end of 2020 using 65% hydropower including our own hydropower station as our source of electricity. Early January: committing to use 100% sustainable energy in our goal to become CO2 neutral and offer our customers ingredients that are natural and produced as sustainably as possible.
Brand relaunch from Soja Austria to Soy Austria® to sharpen our international company profile as a global acting food ingredient house
Establishment of a legal entity in the USA
Opening of a modern Development & Soylutions Center in Vienna