It was a great honor for us to welcome the Austrian Minister of Agriculture Mag. Norbert Totschnig with a delegation to our production and headquarter in Prinzersdorf.
The main focus of the visit was to get an insight into the activities of Soy Austria and what opportunities the processing of soy can offer for Austrian agriculture in the future.
Topics such as the intensification of contract farming of soy as well as future investments that we want to realize were discussed.
Thank you very much for visiting!
Mag. Norbert Totschnig, Landwirtschaftsminsiter
DI Georg Strasser, Präsident des österr. Bauernbunds
Mag. Johannes Schmuckenschlager, Präsident Landeskammer NÖ
Ing. Lorenz Mayr, Vizepräsident der LK NÖ
Andrea Wagner, Vizepräsidentin der LK NÖ
Maria Brandl, Bezirks-LK-Obmann Stellvertreterin
Karl Wilfinger, Präsident des NÖ Landtags
Friedrich Ofenauer, Bürgermeister Markersdorf
Photo credit: BML/Lendl